Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, Alison McMillan, explains how to wear a mask properly to ensure it is effective.
Macular Degeneration Foundation –
This website is designed to promote awareness of Macular Degeneration and features a wide array of information and resources
Vision Australia –
Vision Australia is a not-for-profit organisation and the nation’s leading provider of blindness and low vision services. They provide the equipment and training that enables people who are blind or have low vision to live their lives to the full.
Glaucoma Australia Inc – Avoid Glaucoma Blindness:
The Foundation’s mission is to minimise visual disability from glaucoma.
Aging Eye Times:
The private, not-for-profit Aging Eye Times is an organisation that provides free access to the latest medical information on diseases of the ageing eye in an attempt to empower people to take control of their vision health, while educating them on the importance and need for further medical advances.
PresMed Australia –
Presmed specialises in the investment, commissioning and management of day hospital facilities in partnership with surgeons, and has established 4 major facilities in Chatswood, Epping and the Central Coast, with more than 76 surgeons accredited and operating there.
Epping Surgery Centre –
Epping Surgery Centre was established in 2004 to meet the needs of ophthalmologists for a dedicated eye day surgical centre. The centre is licensed by the NSW Department of Health, and accredited with the Australian Council of Health Care Standards (ACHS) and observe their strict day procedure guidelines.
Chatswood Private Hospital –
Chatswood Private Hospital is part of the Presmed Australia group of day hospitals. The hospital specialises in EYE and ENT surgery. The hospital is licensed by the NSW Department of Health, and accredited with the Australian Council of Health Care Standards (ACHS) and observe their strict day procedure guidelines.
Madison Day Surgery –
Madison Day Surgery is a day surgery centre located in the heart of Hornsby. The surgery offers top-level ophthalmic care, characteristic of the Presmed Day Hospital umbrella. Madison Day Surgery is accredited with NSQHS and ADHA and adheres to their strict policy guidelines.
OptomOnline –
Optomonline is a website run by Presmed Australia to support the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of the Optometrist community. Optometrists are able to view educational modules and complete tests that expand their knowledge and contribute to their required learning for Optometrist registration.
Optometrists Association of Australia –
Optometrists Association Australia is the peak professional body for Australian optometrists. The Association represents over 4000 members (93% of optometrists registered with the Optometry Board of Australia). The Association (formerly the Australian Optometrical Association), was formed as a national body in 1918. The Association is committed to assisting optometrists deliver quality eye and vision care services across Australia.
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists –
RANZCO is the professional body for Ophthalmologists and, as such, is the body responsible for creating and maintaining standards in ophthalmologist training and practice.
Australasian Day Hospital Association (ADHA) –
The ADHA supports and represents stand alone day hospitals (and small overnight private hospitals under 100 licensed beds) within the Australian health care environment by supporting their business and their employees, facilitating communication between members and actively representing (ie, on national and state committees) and lobbying on behalf of members. Industry memberships also benefit the Association and members.
Review of Optometry Online –
This website provides past Review of Optometry magazines, along with information on conferences etc.
Virtual Medical Centre –
Virtual Medical Centre is Australia’s leading medical information website. It delivers the latest medical information written by medical professionals.
Optometry Today . UK Association of Optometrists –
Optometry Today magazine can be viewed via this website, along with the latest news from the optometry sector in the UK.