Suite 1, Fountain Corporate 2 Ilya Avenue, Erina NSW 2250

(02) 4367 3880

Successful Optometrist Conference on Central Coast 2014

Central Coast Optometrist Conference was held on 02 March 2014 at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Terrigal. Thirty-five Optometrists attended and heard from eleven industry-leading Ophthalmologists on their very latest ophthalmic knowledge and surgery techniques conducted at Central Coast Day Hospital. Conference delegates used this opportunity to strengthen referral relationships and meet their colleagues and suppliers, while earning 12T OAA CPD points. 

The Conference feedback has been excellent confirming the value Optometrists place in attending:

  • 100% of attendees felt that they learnt something from the presentations.
  •  The length of time of presentations (100%) and venue (100%) were both positive.
  •  100% of attendees said that they would attend next year’s Conference.
  •  Optometrists requested more presentations on corneal conditions, OCT, nutrition and red eye for future Conferences.

If you attended this year’s Conference but haven’t yet completed our evaluation, we’d highly appreciate you taking a few moments to complete our evaluation so we may continue to improve. 

You can find the Ophthalmologists presentations below:

Dr Andrew WhiteInterpreting Visual Fields

Dr Anil Arora – Update on Clinical Trial Results & New Treatments For Macular Disease

Dr Brad Townend Toric Intraocular Lenses in Cataract Surgery 

Dr Doug Parker – Corneas On The Coast – Herpetic Corneal Disease 

Dr Ian Davies – Optic Disc Changes in Glaucoma : Comparison With Other Ocular Pathologies

Dr John Chang – AMD Update With Case Studies

Dr Michael Minogue – Ocular Allergies

Dr Phil Hayes Neuro-ophthalmology – A Cautionary Tale

Dr Ross Ferrier – Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery – Is This The Future?